Friday, June 25, 2010

Odd and Even (Double Deck Solitaire Game)


  1. Families are built in suit upon ace-foundations in ascending sequence of odd numbers; i. e., three, five, seven, nine, knave, king; then in sequence of even numbers; i. e., two, four, six, eight, ten, ending finally with queen.
  2. Families are built in suit upon the deuce-foundations in ascending even numbers; i. e., four, six, eight, ten, queen; then in odd numbers, i. e., ace, three, five, etc., finally ending with king.
  3. Cards as dealt, the auxiliary cards, and the exposed card of the talon, are available.


The first nine cards dealt are placed upon the table in rows of three each. These are the auxiliary cards.

One ace and deuce of each suit are placed, as they appear in dealing, side by side in a row above the auxiliary cards, and are the foundations upon which the families are built, on the acefoundations in accordance with Rule 1, and on the deuces according to Rule 2.

In dealing, cards that are not suitable form a talon.

Vacancies in the nine auxiliary cards are filled from the talon.

One re-deal is allowable.

The game, if successful, will result in the kings and queens of the four suits.

(From Dick's games of patience: or, Solitaire with cards, ed. Harris B. Dick [1898].)

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