Friday, June 25, 2010

Fascination (Single Deck Solitaire Game)


  1. Families are built upon the foundations in suit and ascending sequence.
  2. Marriages are made in descending sequence and alternate colors between the auxiliary cards or packets, and upon them from the pack and from the reserve.
  3. The cards as dealt, the exposed card of the reserve and of the auxiliary packets, are available.


Count off thirteen cards face downwards from the pack, for the reserve packet, which is then turned face upwards.

Deal one card from the pack, and place it below the reserve packet; this is the first of the foundations; the other three cards of the same denomination are placed in a row to the right of the first, as they appear in play. See Rule 1.

Deal four more cards in a row below the foundation row. These are the auxiliary cards. See Rule 2.

Vacancies in the auxiliaries are filled from the reserve only until the reserve is exhausted, and then by the next undealt card of the pack.

Next, the cards are lifted from the pack, held face downwards, in bunches of three at a time; each bunch as dealt is turned face upwards; the exposed or released card of each successive bunch is available.

Marriages between auxiliary cards are not confined merely to exposed cards; any number of cards in a packet may be lifted and transferred, provided that the bottom card of those lifted fits exactly in color and sequence upon the top card of another packet, according to Rule 2.

The deal is repeated over and over again so long as a suitable card has appeared in the previous deal. If no play has been possible during a deal, the game is blocked.

(From Dick's games of patience: or, Solitaire with cards, ed. Harris B. Dick [1898].)

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