Saturday, July 10, 2010

Anna (Double Deck Solitaire Game)


  1. Families are built upon the foundations in suit and descending sequence from knave down to ace and ending with king.
  2. Marriages are made in suit and ascending sequence between exposed auxiliary cards, and upon the auxiliary cards from the pack as dealt.
  3. If a queen appears in the original eight auxiliary cards, or in a vacancy, she cannot be removed for marriage, but must remain in her place. Marriages may be made upon such queen in the same manner as upon other auxiliary cards.
  4. Cards as dealt, exposed auxiliary cards, and exposed cards of the talon, are available.


Deal eight cards from the pack, arranged in the form of an A. These are the auxiliary cards.

If a knave appears, remove it and place it in such position that, with the other seven knaves as they are dealt, they will form a letter N. These knaves are the foundations to be built upon according to Rule 1.

Fill vacancies always from the pack.

Marry auxiliary cards as in Rule 2, but strictly observing Rule 3.

Deal from the pack, one by one, playing suitable cards as they appear according to Rules 1 and 2. Unsuitable cards form a talon.

Two re-deals are allowed.

If the game succeeds, the letter A will be all queens, and the foundations all kings.

(From Dick's games of patience: or, Solitaire with cards, ed. Harris B. Dick [1898].)

The Reversal (Double Deck Solitaire Game)


  1. Families are formed in suit upon the deuce-foundations in ascending sequence, ending with ace; upon ace-foundations in descending sequence through king, queen, etc., down to deuce.
  2. Cards as dealt, all cards dropped to the right, and the exposed cards of the auxiliary packets, are available.


Deal four cards in a row, and drop the next two dealt cards to the right; deal four more cards upon the first four, and again drop two to the right, as seen in the Tableau. These four packets are the auxiliary cards.

As the four aces and deuces of different suits appear, place the aces in a row below, and the deuces in a row above, the auxiliary row. These aces and deuces are the foundations for families according to Rule 1.

When all the suitable cards have been played upon the foundations, deal four more cards upon the auxiliaries, dropping two more cards to the right, and repeat the same routine until the pack is exhausted; then, if necessary, the dropped cards and the auxiliaries may be gathered together, and two fresh deals allowed; a fourth deal is also permissible, but without any dropped cards.

If the Patience is successful, the ace row and the deuce row will have changed places.

(From Dick's games of patience: or, Solitaire with cards, ed. Harris B. Dick [1898].)

The Japanese Rug (Double Deck Solitaire Game)


  1. Families are built upon the foundation aces in suit and ascending sequence up to king, and upon the foundation kings in suit and descending sequence down to ace.
  2. Any card, on either of the four sides of the rug, whose narrow end is exposed, is available, and when an available card is removed it releases any other card whose narrow end it had previously obstructed.


Take from the pack the four aces and kings of different suits, and arrange them in a row, the aces to the left, the kings to the right. These are the foundation cards to be built upon according to Rule 1.

Deal sixty-four cards from the pack in eight rows of eight cards each, alternately upright and longways, both in the rows and columns, as displayed in the Tableau.
According to Rule II, at the start the cards marked with a * are available, and any of them that are suitable are played upon the foundations.

Then deal the remainder of the pack, one by one, playing suitable cards as they appear, and unsuitable cards upon the talon. Watch each card as it is placed upon the talon, because available cards from the rug may be married upon it in suit and in ascending or descending sequence, thus possibly releasing suitable cards in the rug for the foundations; such marriages should be done in any case when possible, to reduce the rug.

Two re-deals are permitted.

(From Dick's games of patience: or, Solitaire with cards, ed. Harris B. Dick [1898].)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Canfield or Klondike (Single Deck Solitaire Game)

One Entire Pack Of Cards.

From "The Official Rules of Card Games," copyright 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1904, 1907, 1911, 1912, 1913, by The U. S. Haying Card Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.


The player pays 52 counters for the pack and he is paid 5 counters for every card he gets down in the top foundations. The cards being shuffled and cut, the first is turned face up and laid on the table. To the right of this card, but face down, are placed six more cards in a row. Immediately below the left-hand card of this row that is face down another card is placed face up, and five to the right of it face down. Another card face up below and four to the right face down, and so on until there are seven cards face up and twenty-eight in the layout.

Any aces showing are picked out and placed by themselves above the layout for foundations. These aces are built on in sequence and suit up to kings. The moment any card in the layout is uncovered by playing away the bottom of the row, the next card in that vertical row is turned face up. Cards in the layout are built upon in descending sequence—K, Q, J, down to 4, 3, 2—and must alternate in color; red on black, black on red. If there be more than one card at the bottom of a row, all must be moved together or not at all. Spaces are filled with kings only.

The stock is run through one card at a time and any card showing can be used, either on the layout or foundations. When the pack has been run through once that ends it.

The Great Thirteen (Double Deck Solitaire Game)

Two Entire Packs Of Cards.


  1. The uppermost card of each of the ground packets is alone available until its removal releases the card beneath.
  2. If in the development of the game a card is released in the ground packets which is equally suitable for filling a vacancy in the numerals (caused by the ground packets having failed to produce the desired sum), or for the process of addition, the preference must be given to filling the vacancy.
  3. In dealing the ground packets in the first instance it is advisable to count them in order from one to eight, in order to verify their exact position; for in re-dealing the ground packets at the end of the game they must be counted from one to eight, and the cards must be dealt on to them in order, whether there are cards in each space or whether there is a vacancy, through the packet having been played off. The packet of cards or the vacancy are to be treated in like manner.


This is a very difficult game and requires much attention. Among other peculiarities it has no foundation cards.

Deal out eight packets in a horizontal line, each containing thirteen cards dealt together: these are called ground packets. Deal them from left to right (Rule 3). If in this first deal any kings appear on the surface, slip them underneath the packets to which each belongs; but this may only be done in the first deal. When the eight ground packets have been dealt, take the uppermost card of each, and place these eight cards in a line above: this line is called the balcony. Between the balcony and the ground packets be careful to leave space for the line of numerals (see tableau). You now count the value of each card in the balcony, and double it, the knave counting eleven, the queen twelve, and the king thirteen, with which card, if the game succeeds, each of the numeral packets will terminate. If any card on the ground packets (Rule 1) corresponds to the doubled value of any card on the balcony, you place that (ground-packet) card immediately below the balcony card, thus beginning the packets called numerals.

Example (see tableau).—On the blank cards, the numeral 6 is placed under a three, the 4 under a two; but if in doubling, the value of any balcony card exceeds thirteen, the excess over thirteen constitutes the value of the card to be placed underneath.

Example.—An ace (numerals) is placed under a seven, the double of seven being fourteen, which is one in excess of thirteen. A knave (Bube) is placed under a queen; the double of twelve being twenty-four, which is eleven in excess of thirteen. A three under an eight; the double of eight being sixteen, which is three in excess of thirteen.

If the ground packets fail to produce suitable cards for numerals according to the calculations just named, vacant spaces must of necessity remain in the line of numerals, which will be filled as the game develops (Rule 2).

When all suitable cards have been transferred from the ground packets to the numerals, the next process is that of addition. The value of each card on the numeral line must beadded to that of the card on the balcony immediately above it, and you must again transfer from the ground packets to the numeral line any cards whose value corresponds with the addition thus made, it being understood that any card taken from the ground packet must always be placed on the numeral which is exactly underneath the balcony card to whose value it is added.
Thus, in continuing the game by addition, on the numeral ace would be placed an eight, on the Bube (knave) would be placed a ten; because in the former case one and seven make eight, in the latter, eleven (knave) and twelve (queen) make twentythree, which is ten in excess of thirteen.

If in this stage of the game cards are released in the ground packets suitable either for filling vacancies or for continuing the packets of addition in the numeral line, the refilling of the vacancies must be the first object (Rule 2). When two or more cards of the ground packets are equally suitable, select which you please (Rule 1), and you may examine the underneath cards to assist you in your choice.

When further progress is impossible, the third and last process is as follows: Take up the first of the ground packets counting from the left (Rule 3). If No. 1 has been played off, you take No. 2, and so on. Turn the packet face downward, and deal the cards on to the other ground packets face upward, beginning with the packet next on your right (if you are dealing No. 1, begin to deal on No. 2), and in doing this follow very accurately the method prescribed by Rule 3. After you have dealt as far as No. 8, begin again at No. 1, and continue dealing (Rule 3) till the packet you hold is exhausted. You then take up the next packet, and deal it out in the same manner, beginning on your right (if you are dealing No. 3, deal the first card on No. 4), and continue to deal out each packet till all are exhausted, pausing between each deal to examine the packets and to make further combinations, and placing on the numerals any suitable cards that may have been produced by the fresh deal, but the re-deal of each ground packet must be complete before placing cards on the numerals.

If after re-dealing all the ground packets, the packets of numerals do not all end with kings (thirteen), the game has failed.

(From Lady Cadogan's illustrated games of solitaire or patience, by Adelaide Cadogan [1914].)

The Congress (Double Deck Solitaire Game)

Two Entire Packs Of Cards.


  1. The foundations follow suit.
  2. Cards from the rivers may marry in descending line with cards on the helps, but not vice versa.
  3. Cards on the help packets may marry in descending line with cards of each other's packets, and also with cards from the rivers.
  4. The uppermost cards of the help packets are alone available until their removal releases those beneath.
  5. Each row of cards on the rivers blocks the preceding one, but on the removal of any card the one immediately above it is released, and becomes available.


Withdraw from the pack the eight aces, and place them in two columns on the right: these are the foundations, which ascend in sequence to kings (Rule 1). Next deal four cards, and place them in a horizontal line below, leaving plenty of room for the tableau above: these are called the help cards. Next place at the upper end of the table a horizontal row of eight cards: this commences what is called the "rivers," and from the rivers you play any suitable cards on the foundations, or marry in descending line with the help cards (Rule 2), immediately refilling the vacancies thus caused from the pack. From the helps you now play on to the foundations, and form marriages in accordance with Rule 3. When all possible cards have been played, proceed to deal out successive rows of eight cards on the rivers, each row partly covering the preceding one, and temporarily blocking it (Rule 5). In dealing, you may not play a card from any row until that row is complete. After dealing each row, pause and examine the tableau, playing and marrying all suitable cards, and refilling vacancies, both in the rivers and helps, with cards from the pack. In filling up vacancies in the rivers, those in the uppermost rows must first be refilled.

After the entire pack is exhausted, the skill of the player will be required. The four packets of help cards may now be increased to eight. To effect this, any four available cards may be selected from the rivers to begin the new packets, which have all the privileges of the original ones, and should be placed in the same line. The player may use his own discretion concerning them. He is not obliged to place the four new helps at once, but only as they are required, and it is best to keep one or two of the spaces free, so as to receive any card from the rivers which, in the progress of the game, is found to block a card much needed. If any of the packets of help cards are played off, the vacancy may be filled by another card from the rivers, but the packets must never exceed the number of eight.

There is no re-deal.

Note.—In the tableau only three rows of the rivers are shown.

(From Lady Cadogan's illustrated games of solitaire or patience, by Adelaide Cadogan [1914].)

Rouge et Noir (Double Deck Solitaire Game)

Two Entire Packs of Cards.


  1. The uppermost card of each one of the eight auxiliary packets and of the talon is available.
  2. Families are built on the foundations in ascending sequence, but in alternate color—that is, a red deuce is played on a black ace, then a black three, a red four, and so on up to a black king. The families on the red aces are built in similar alternate order up to a red king.
  3. Marriages are formed on the auxiliary packets in descending sequence but in alternate color (Rule 2).


Remove from the two packs the eight aces and arrange them in the order designated in the pattern tableau. These are the foundation cards and families are built up on them according to Rule 2.

Immediately below the foundations place a row of eight auxiliary cards. These cards are always available, and marriages may be formed upon them (Rule 3).
After the tableau has been placed examine the row of eight aux iliary cards to see if it contains any suitable cards to play on the foundations or to form marriages (Rules 2 and 3).

When you have played or married all the suitable cards, re-fill, from the pack, any vacant spaces that may occur in the auxiliary cards.

Continue dealing the cards one by one, and as suitable cards appear play them on the foundations. Also form all possible marriages on the auxiliary packets. Those cards which are not suitable are laid aside in one packet and form a talon, and all vacancies must now be re-filled from the talon, or, if there be no talon, then from the pack.

One re-deal is permitted.

The following is an interesting variety of this Patience:

The Blondes and Brunettes

Instead of the foundation aces being placed before commencing to play, they are laid out in the spaces allotted to them as they appear during the deal. This, of course, makes the Patience more difficult, and two re-deals are therefore permitted, simply turning the talon each time.

(From Dick's games of patience: or, Solitaire with cards, by William Brisbane Dick [1884].)